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Curabitur molestie leonis in sagittis in tempus. Curabitur facilisis blandit sem. Vestibulum vulputate ornare diam.
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Curabitur molestie leo in sagittis tempus. Curabitur facilisis blandit sem. Vestibulum vulputate.

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Integer vitae nisi sit amet velit congue dignissim. Curabitur molestie leo in congue.

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Curabitur facilisis blandit sem. Vestibulum vulputate ornare diam molestie leo sagittis facil.

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I needed an emergency repair and Handy sorted it in less than 3 hours and service was great

Curabitur molestie leo in sagittis tempus. Curabitur facilisis blandit sem. Vestibulum vulputate ornare diam.
Simon Johanssen

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Is Free Beginner plan free forever?

Yes. Free Beginner plan is, as it says in the description, a free plan that doesn't need to be bought and will forever be free.

Do you provide service for large businesses?

We provide service for all business sizes.

Where can I see features of Starter plan?

You can see those features if you navigate to the individual site of the plan.

Can I use this template for multiple websites that I plan to create?

You can use a Paid Template for only one person/business/project. If you want to use the purchased template for a different client or project, then you'll have to buy another license (by buying the template again). You can customize the template to any degree (adding, altering, or removing text, images, graphics, layout, design, etc.) to fit your project's needs.

Where can I get an assistance?

You can do that by navigating to handyui-small-business-template and scrolling down to Disqus chat inside the Support tab.

Can I request new pages or custom work?

You can request new pages by writing a comment through the Support chat, or send direct email to martin@hudobivnik.si. For custom work, contact us thrugh the same email.

How booking us works


Curabitur molestie leo in sagittis tempus. Curabitur facilisis blandit sem.


Integer vitae nisi sit amet vel congue dignissim. Curabitur molestie leo.


Vestibulum vulputate ornare diam. Integer vitae nisi sit amet velit dignissim.


Curabitur facilisis blandit sem. Vestibulum vulputate ornare diam.
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